Fantastic printable download free worksheet from for brush pens and lettering calligraphy

FREE Printable October Worksheet

October is always so much fun …. with Autumn in full swing and Halloween happening, the calligraphy and lettering themes are awesome!

Fantastic printable download free worksheet from for brush pens and lettering calligraphy

This month you can practice the double ‘oo’ and fancy y flourish with this “Spooky” worksheet. Click HERE to download and print, or click the image below.

Fantastic printable download free worksheet from for brush pens and lettering calligraphy

You can print out this worksheet on regular copy paper and then use Kelly Creates Tracing paper on top. The large script on the top half is suitable for Kelly Creates Dream pens, and the bottom half smaller script is perfect for the Kelly Creates Multicolor Small Brush Pens. You can click on the images below to see them in my online store

W345795_KC_TracingPad_F-2These dual sided Kelly Creates Dream pens are a DREAM... both tips are great for calligraphy, hand lettering, home decor, cards, and more!dream pens kelly creates set 2 meadowLove these Kelly Creates Multicolor Small Brush Pens from American Crafts available at Michaels stores

My October email newsletter has launched, so don’t forget to subscribe and catch up with my monthly adventures (and Finn’s too! haha). Click HERE to read the October news!


2 responses to “FREE Printable October Worksheet”

  1. Norma Avatar

    Kelly! I’m so glad I found you! I have been struggling with trying to learn lettering. You make sense of lettering! Where to start your letters, where to start pressing harder for the downstrokes and much more. I just signed up for your news letter. Can’t wait to get started. Gonna get your practice sheets and watch all your videos. Believe me I have watched a bunch of others.
    Thank you so much,

  2. Karen Avatar

    Good evening
    Thank you for your website. I am a calligrapher but developed my own ‘traditional’ type of script. To try your style is fun, and modern!!

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