Meagan Guild (@theillustratedplanner) is here with a monthly layout and awesome tutorial where she uses the Kelly Creates Aqua Brushes to create a beautiful winter landscape.

monthly spread bullet journal idea with simple watercolor technique from @theillustratedplanner

Kelly Creates SUPPLIES: Aqua Brushes, Fine Black Brush pen (from the 3Pack), Silver Metallic Jewel Brush pen
After the chaos of the holidays, I always want to start the year off organized in terms of special dates and events. Even though I like to keep a separate work journal, I still like to write big events and deadlines in my personal planner. This is my favorite monthly layout with some dreamy foggy mountains and trees! 

Step 1.
Find the center of the page and begin to number the dates. Typically I start from the middle and work my way to the right (15th to the 30th/31st), and then work backwards (14th to the 1st). It is optional, but I also prefer to initial the day of the week above the dates, as well as draw lines to separate the weeks. 

monthly spread bullet journal idea with simple watercolor technique from @theillustratedplanner
Step 2.
Label one part “Personal” and one portion “Work”. For these I used the Kelly Creates Fine Brush Pen. At the top of the page I wrote the month. Did you know you can print with brush pens and create thick and thin strokes for hand lettering?

monthly spread bullet journal idea with simple watercolor technique from @theillustratedplanner
Step 3. 
Now the real fun begins! I started about two thirds of the way down the page and drew snowy hills as nice thick lines with the Kelly Creates Aqua Brush in Sky. In areas where I wanted some shadows I also drew some lines.  

 monthly spread bullet journal idea with simple watercolor technique from @theillustratedplanner  Next we will create a watercolor effect with the Aqua Brushes. Lightly wet a paint brush. Take the brush, place it at the top of your blue line and drag down.  

monthly spread bullet journal idea with simple watercolor technique from @theillustratedplanner  Continue until you have a nice light blue wash. Keep in mind, less is more! Wait a few minutes for the paper to dry before beginning the next step.  

monthly spread bullet journal idea with simple watercolor technique from @theillustratedplanner
Step 4.
Starting with the Kelly Creates Aqua Brush in Turquoise, make pine trees in a variety of sizes. Below I have included a variety of different ways to make pine trees.  
monthly spread bullet journal idea with simple watercolor technique from @theillustratedplanner

Personally, I enjoy making looser looking trees. That way, if you make any mistakes at least it looks intentional and it’s easier to hide! 

monthly spread bullet journal idea with simple watercolor technique from @theillustratedplanner
Step 5.
In the gaps between your Turquoise trees, add more trees using the Kelly Creates Aqua Brush in Jungle. Try to change up the heights of the trees to add some variety. 

monthly spread bullet journal idea with simple watercolor technique from @theillustratedplanner

Step 6.
As a final touch, use the Kelly Creates Metallic Jewel Brush Pen in Silver to add dots to our dreamy landscape, which adds some shine and dimension. You may also choose to add the silver as shadows behind your letters or below the dates. I also decided to highlight the month name “January” by adding some blue watercolor around it with the Aqua Brush. 
 monthly spread bullet journal idea with simple watercolor technique from @theillustratedplanner
Step 7.
Add important dates as needed. If I have multiple events on the same day in a category, I will draw a line above to add them. 

monthly spread bullet journal idea with simple watercolor technique from @theillustratedplanner Meagan, I didn’t realize that a monthly spread could be so simple and organized at the same time And those trees! The whole watercolor effect is really pretty and pretty easy.

You can see more of Meagan’s artful planning on Instagram and follow @theillustratedplanner by clicking HERE

Shop the supplies Meagan used by clicking these affiliate shopping links below from Kelly Creates online store

Love these Kelly Creates Aqua Brushes for art, calligraphy, lettering, colouring and more! 343553_KC_BlackBrushPenSet_EyeCandy-1-1 W343555_Kelly_Creates_Metallic_Jewel_Brush_Pens pink journal Harmony Kelly Createsblack journal clarity Kelly Creates

4 Comments on Create a Winter Landscape in your Journal

  1. Bonnie
    January 16, 2019 at 12:41 pm (6 years ago)

    Looks great Meagan! I like the idea of person and work included together.

    • Meagan
      January 21, 2019 at 8:50 am (6 years ago)

      Thanks Bonnie! I like being able to quickly see when things might get super busy on certain days/weeks and this layout always helps

  2. Linda Epstein
    January 16, 2019 at 5:38 pm (6 years ago)

    Love this Meagan. Its very pretty and looks easy enough to try. Thanks for sharing this.

    • Meagan
      January 21, 2019 at 8:51 am (6 years ago)

      Thank you Linda! It is easy to try, and I hope you do!


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