Graphic 45 Design Team 2012 Audition

I have loved creating with Graphic 45 products for a long time and have decided to dip my toes into the DT world and audition 🙂  The unique and amazing papers that this company produces allows my imagination to soar and inspires my creativity!

Here are some of my designs…single page layouts, double page layouts, cards and a Configurations box.  When designing layouts, I find the papers are so versatile and can be used for both heritage and contemporary photos.

First, I have four older layouts and a Christmas Configurations box that I designed for display at my local scrapbook store.

A Proper Vintage Gentleman
Coney Island 1955
  Christmas Configurations Box

My passion is teaching (I have an Education degree and used to teach high school English)…..and now I enjoy designing and teaching at Urban Scrapbook, a wonderful store where I live in Edmonton.  Prior to this, I taught classes at Scrap-A-Lot, another lovely scrapbook shop.

Here are some layouts and cards that I’ve taught in classes over the past couple of years.  These double pages are challenging to view on the blog, but if you click on the photos, they will enlarge, and you can see the elements up close and personal 🙂

The Mad Hatter
Our Fairytale
The Magic of Oz (Click HERE for tutorial)
Christmas Emporium Cards (Click HERE for tutorial)
Paradise (Click HERE for tutorial)

As well, I’m honoured to be the Guest Designer 2012 for Canadian Scrapbooker magazine.  The following layouts and cards were published in the last two issues….

Dear Santa (Click HERE for tutorial) – Winter 2011 issue
School Days (Spring 2012 issue)
ABC Primer cards (Spring 2012 issue)

Currently, I’m surrounded by “Little Darlings”….the lovely new baby collection that just made its debut at CHA.  I’m designing another double page layout class and couldn’t be happier, spending my time looking at the adorable images on the papers.

It would be an amazing experience to be a part of the Graphic 45 Design Team, and I would love the opportunity to work with one of the most innovative, artistic and exciting companies in the industry.






43 responses to “Graphic 45 Design Team 2012 Audition”

  1. Sandi Smith Avatar

    so many beautiful creations….Best of luck on making the team! They would be lucky to have your amazing talent on their team

  2. Donna Spina Lebeduik Avatar

    G45 would be insane not to pick you! Good luck – you are an amazing and creative artist!

  3. Lee-Anne Avatar

    You go girl! You would be a perfect addition to their team! I’m cheering for you!

  4. madscrappertoo Avatar

    Right up your alley Kelly! Not an easy collection to work with. By seeing your lo’s you will have no issues.. Go for it and good luck!!! There gorgeous.. Rocked them all!!

  5. Izzyb Avatar

    Whoa, I am trying not to gush too much, but I can’t stop myself. These are amazing! You are so talented, Kelly. I love all of your work, and especially the work you do with G45. You make magic.

    I LOVE your tutorials. They are perfectly detailed with great photos and step-by-step instructions. Anytime I follow along, I feel like you are right there with me, guiding and encouraging me. You’re a great teacher and amazing artist. G45 must be stunned looking at this application, and counting its lucky stars that you found them and they you. I’m so happy you applied. You are perfect for this team. Talented, generous, funny and creative.

  6. Charlotte Brochu Avatar

    I’m so glad to read that you decided to apply! These samples are just stunning examples of your talent!

  7. Sandra D Avatar

    Kelly, you have put together an amazing audition portfolio! I hope Graphic 45 makes the right decision and chooses you for their design team. You have such a wide range of talents and can really work magic with every Graphic 45 collection. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  8. Vicky Alberto Avatar

    ohhh so glad you’re trying out! Crossing my fingers for you (and toes 🙂

  9. Cindy Gay Avatar

    Love them all Kelly! Don’t recall seeing school days before! You’re a winner!

  10. Michelle Avatar

    Go Kelly Go Kelly!!!!! SOOOOOOOOO proud of you for throwing your hat in the ring! You’ll knock their socks off. G45 and you were made for each other. PS Loving what you’ve created with the ABC primer pps . I didn’t know you’d done those. Its a great school Lo and I love the Primer cards! Bestest bestest luck to you!

  11. Miae Avatar

    Well your pages are gorgeous! I think you’ll be doing some serious impressing of the team at G45! I’ll be cheering for you!

  12. Shona Avatar

    ooooo wow amazing creations…….good luck sweetie!

  13. Robin Shakoor Avatar

    Gorgeous works Kelly. Good luck to you.

  14. Renee Avatar

    They would be so very lucky to have you Kelly!!! I wish you the best of luck! I read their blog daily so that would be awesome if I kinda ‘knew’ someone on the DT!!!!!!!!

  15. Julie Tucker-Wolek Avatar

    These are absolutely GORGEOUS! WOW WOW WOW!! You rock the G45!! Good luck with the call!!!

  16. Alia Avatar

    Hey Kelly! How could they not pick you? Good luck! 🙂

  17. Lynn Avatar

    Kelly,I’m so glad you went ahead and made the decision to apply for the team. Your work…fabulous! Your designs…amazing! You talented…untouched. I’m in awe of your work. I don’t think G45 has a hard decision when it comes to your work!! Good Luck!!!

  18. Lesley Avatar

    Good Luck! Love your blog and designs.

  19. Wendy Rasbach Avatar

    Kelly, you’re destined for the Graphic 45 DT for sure! I’ve always marveled at the magic you can create with their lines. They’d be fools not to beg you to join them! 🙂

  20. Sherry Avatar

    Your work never ceases to amaze me!!! You have so much talent. Good luck on the call, They’d be lucky to have you on their team!!! Your work is always beyond amazing.

    It seems winter has arrived in Edmonton, Its been a great one this year.. Loved it.. having to drive out to St. Albert for my physical therapy twice weekly I was loving the perfect driving conditions. But we’re in Alberta we know that can’t last!! We finally dug ourselves out of all the snow this weekend, but barely as our front end truck blade broke… It was almost panic!! NOW WHAT!!! lol hubby fixed it no problem. One problem living in the country no plow comes by and cleans the road lol Once again.. beautiful job on your new layouts, I wish I had as much talent!! You are truly amazing. Sherry

  21. ingrid Avatar

    wow!!!!! they all are so super gorgeous!!!! so go for it and good luck sweetie!!!! keeping my fingers crossed for you! xxx

  22. Jeni O'Connor Avatar

    Kelly these are fabulous. G45 would be a wonderful team to be on and you’d be perfecT?

  23. Shell Avatar

    Gorgeous projects! Good luck with the DT call!

  24. Jody Avatar

    Great projects Kelly! And thanks for leaving such sweet comments on my blog! It’s always nice to know that people actually look at it!!! Good luck with the Design Team Call – your stuff is amazing!

  25. Roxanne Avatar

    You know how to rock the Graphic 45!! I’m so glad to hear that you are trying out. Good luck! and enjoy this new journey. 🙂


    CONGRATULATIONS, KELLY!!!! I am thrilled for you that you’ve made it to the next round….and will be waiting with my fingers carossed for you, Honeybee!!!! BEST OF LUCK!

  27. Romy Avatar

    Wow, huge congrats on being one of the Top 30 finalists! I was so happy to see your name in that list, keeping my fingers crossed you’ll make it:)

  28. Tara Orr Avatar

    Congrats on making the top 30!! Wonderful work!

  29. BearFamily Avatar

    Congrats Kelly on being a finalist!! Fingers crossing for you again.

  30. Jan Avatar

    Congrats Kelly on making the top 30!!! You must be so excited! Good luck on the next round!

  31. Tracy Burtt Avatar

    Great work… congrats!

  32. Nancy Wethington Avatar

    Congrats on the top 30!

  33. Cindy Gay Avatar

    Congratulations on the finals!

  34. Renee Avatar

    YAY KELLY!!!!! Congratulations on being in the top 30!! I absolutely KNOW you will go all the way!!!!!!!

  35. The Gentleman Crafter Avatar

    Congratulations Kelly! Great Job!


  36. Shell Avatar

    Congrats Kelly! Best of luck with the next stage!

  37. misty Avatar

    There is no doubt in my mind that you have this bagged! I was left with my jaw on the floor with these projects! You are amazing!

  38. carlies Avatar

    wow so stunning work my friend and I go follow you I hope you come visite me to

    hugs carla

  39. Gloria Stengel Avatar

    Your layouts are so creative and innovative! Congrats on your G45 Top 30!

  40. Izzyb Avatar

    Big congrats on breaking the top 30. I knew you would!

  41. Sharon Avatar

    Congrats, congrats, congrats, my dear friend!!!!! I am so, so happy for you!!!!!!! Yay!!!!! I hope you continue on to make the team, you deserve it! and another congrats for being guest designer for Canadian Scrapper Magazine, too! Those projects are amazing!

  42. Jeni O'Connor Avatar

    Kelly these are absolutely fabulous. So thrilled to see you are in the top 30, how awesome! CONGRATS!

  43. scrapbookertink Avatar

    LOL, Kelly just realised why your work seems so familiar because I have admired it recently over at Graphic 45, love loads of your work, small world x

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