January is often a difficult month for many people. The post Christmas blues set in. Those of us living in northern winter climates are struggling with shorter daylight hours and cold temperatures.  I painted “Choose Joy” as a reminder that positive thinking can really make a difference in our lives. 

watercolour hand lettering free printable worksheet template choose joy painting letters kellycreates.ca

I chose a ‘joyful’ colour combination of Teal and Orange Watercolor Inks and painted with my daisy palette and size 2 lettering brush on Canson watercolour paper.

watercolor ink Kelly Creates warm set 


At first I was worried that they would blend into muddy tones, but I think they look awesome together!

watercolour hand lettering free printable worksheet template choose joy painting letters kellycreates.ca

I mixed script and block lettering styles. To learn watercolour lettering, you can read my book The Art of Watercolor Lettering and use my workbooks, inks, brushes etc from my online store http://www.KellyCreatesStore.com.

learn watercolor lettering workbook and art supplies  The Art of Watercolor Lettering

You can click HERE to download and print the “Choose Joy” worksheet or click the image below.  Enjoy!

watercolour hand lettering free printable worksheet template choose joy painting letters kellycreates.ca

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