Did you know you can use Kelly Creates pens as watercolour? Melissa Clarkson @letterbystarlight is our guest blogger and has created 3 super cute Valentine’s Day cards PLUS a FREE lettering template to download and practice!
I love making handmade cards for family and friends. In fact, since I started lettering, I haven’t bought a single card at a store! Today, I’m sharing three different Valentine’s Day card designs for you to try. Each design shows different ways to use your Kelly Creates Pens as watercolor.
PROJECT 1: “I Love You” Heart Wreath
Kelly Creates Supplies: Aqua Brush pens, Dream pens, Blending palette, Black Fineliner 05, Project pad (or white watercolor paper / mixed media paper), Pencil & eraser (Deluxe Lettering Kit)
Other Supplies: water brush or paint brush, circle template
On the front of your card, draw a circle in pencil. You can use a small bowl, compass or freehand. I’m using a circle maker.
Scribble the Kelly Creates Aqua Brush Blossom pen ink and the Kelly Creates Blossom Dream pen ink onto the Kelly Creates Blending Palette. (NOTE: You can use any colours of Aqua Brush or Dream pens.)
Pick up the Aqua Brush pink ink with a water brush (or paint brush) and paint small hearts around the circle. Alternate using color from the Aqua Brush and the Dream Pen on the palette.
Let dry completely.
Next outline the watercolor hearts with your Kelly Creates Black Fineliner. I used a 05 size. (NOTE: You could also draw the hearts with the Black Fineliner first and add watercolor second because these pens have permanent black ink that doesn’t smudge with water.)
The hearts don’t have to be perfectly outlined – going outside the lines gives it a playful, loose style.
Outline the wreath with the Kelly Creates Black Fineliner.
Letter your Valentine phrase in the middle of the wreath using the Kelly Creates Fineliner and faux calligraphy. In this example, I’m lettering “I love you.” Optional: Lightly pencil in your design first before going over it with your Black Fineliner. Erase any remaining pencil marks.
NOTE: You could also use the Kelly Creates Blossom Aqua Brush to watercolour the faux calligraphy “love” to match the pink hearts on the wreath. Or you could write another Valentine themed phrase that you prefer.
PROJECT 2: “You & Me” Watercolor Background
Kelly Creates Supplies: Aqua Brush pens, Metallic Jewel Large Brush pen, Project pad (or watercolor/mixed media paper), pencil & eraser (from the Deluxe Lettering Kit)
Other Supplies: water brush or paint brush, plastic sandwich bag, paper towel or rag
Scribble Kelly Creates Aqua Brush ink onto a sandwich bag roughly the size of your card and then set aside. (NOTE: I used the “Blossom” Aqua Brush, but you can use any colour you like. Also, you can scribble more than one colour of Aqua Brush onto the bag)
Using a water brush (or paint brush), drop water onto your paper.
Invert the inky sandwich bag onto the card. Smoosh the water around with your fingertips to mix with the ink.
Carefully lift the bag off the card and lightly dab with a paper towel to remove any excess water. Let dry completely.
Letter the phrase “You & Me” with your Kelly Creates Metallic Jewel Brush Pen on top of your watercolor “smoosh” background. I used “Bronze.”
PROJECT 3: “Always & Forever” Watercolor Hearts
Kelly Creates Supplies: Aqua Brush, Dream Pen, Blending Palette, Project Pad (or watercolor paper / mixed media paper), pencil & eraser
Other Supplies: water brush or paint brush
Scribble Kelly Creates Aqua Brush ink onto your Kelly Creates Blending Palette. Pick up color with your waterbrush (or paint brush). Paint random hearts in varying sizes all around the front of your card. Use less or more water on your Blending Palette to create some lighter and darker hearts. (NOTE: You can also use other colours of Aqua Brushes and Dream Pens on your Blending Palette)
Allow hearts to dry completely.
Once dried, lightly pencil your lettering design “Always & Forever” onto the front of your card. (See printable practice template below)
Go over your lettering design with your Kelly Creates Midnight Dream Pen.
Here is a free printable practice template for “Always & Forever.” Click HERE to download or click the image below:
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and have some fun making cards for someone special. Happy Valentine’s Day!
XOXO Melissa
(Feel free to express your ‘thank you’ to Melissa for this awesome free printable by leaving a comment on this post)
For more creative lettering inspiration, follow Melissa on Instagram @letterbystarlight and visit her website www.letterbystarlight.com
To shop the supplies Melissa used in these projects, click the affiliate links below or visit my online shop: www.KellyCreatesStore.com
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